Comparing Webflow vs. WordPress in 2023: Which is Better?

27 Jun 2023 By Marc
webflow vs. wordpress logos

Webflow claims to be WordPress 2.0, but does it live up to the hype? These days, many are deciding between the newer Webflow and our old friend WordPress, both offering unique features and benefits.

Table of Contents

The world of website creation can overwhelm even the sturdiest among us, especially when deciding which platform to use.

These days, many are deciding between the newer Webflow and our old friend WordPress, both offering unique features and benefits.

But which is optimal for your web design needs?

Here at Mythic we have deep experience in WordPress (and Drupal), and have been tinkering with our new friend, Webflow.

Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of the two, and help you make an informed decision.

Short Summary

  • Consider ease of use, design options, page domain nesting, customization capabilities & website building features.   
  • Webflow offers an accessible interface with a steeper learning curve than WordPress, but a shorter onboarding process. Webflow has limits in page domain nesting structure.
  • Wordpress is open source & free to use, while Webflow may be more expensive.

Webflow and WordPress: Key Differences

Webflow and WordPress are both powerful website building platforms, each with its own weaknesses and strengths.

Webflow is a proprietary cloud-based website builder, enabling users to create stunning web designs without any coding skills. On the other hand, WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) that is highly customizable and versatile, working seamlessly with various plugins and themes.

When deciding between Webflow and WordPress, there are several factors to consider. Webflow is wonderful for those who don’t have much website building experience. It offers a visual editor to create a professional-looking site with ease.

Meanwhile, WordPress has a wealth of themes and templates, making it more flexible and suitable for those who have more experience in web development.

? Ease of Use and Learning Curve

Webflow is known for being intuitive making it easy for web designers to learn and create a website without any prior HTML or CSS knowledge. Its visual page builder allows you to create whatever you want without coding, offering a more intuitive interface than WordPress.

This will appeal to many marketers and founders out there.

Webflow’s learning curve can be steeper compared to WordPress, however, which is generally easier to learn. Remember too, that it may require some coding for advanced customizations.

Despite the steeper learning curve, Webflow simplifies the handover process with a quicker 15-minute training session, compared to an hour or more for WordPress. This makes Webflow an attractive choice for you designers who value fast onboarding and a streamlined workflow.

? Design Capabilities and Customization

When it comes to web design, Webflow shines with its creative control and cleaner code, allowing designers to make their dreams come true without working with a developer.

It offers numerous design options, such as control over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, responsive design for various devices, and a drag-and-drop interface.

Need some easy element addition and restructuring? Done.

In contrast, WordPress serves up a huge selection of themes and templates for users to choose from, many being mobile-friendly right out of the box.

Although it separates design elements from content for a consistent look across your WordPress site, you’ll need to choose a hosting provider. This differs from some website builders like Webflow that include hosting in their plans.

Ultimately, the choice between Webflow and WordPress for design capabilities and customization will depend on your specifications and aesthetic vision, specifically if your team’s work is more web designer or web developer-focused.

Website Building Features: Webflow vs. WordPress

One of the key aspects to consider between Webflow and WordPress is their set of website building features, such as CMS and e-commerce capabilities.

WordPress is known for its flexibility and extensive library of both free and premium plugins, a highly customizable platform indeed.

On the other hand, while Webflow’s features may be more limited in comparison, it still has a relatively simple drag-and-drop CMS, plus a built-in e-commerce platform.

Choosing the ideal solution in terms of website building features ultimately depends on your unique requirements, and the type of site you want to create.

The takeaway here?

If you’re looking for extensive customization options and compatibility with various plugins, WordPress may be the better choice.

However, if you value an intuitive interface and streamlined features, Webflow could be the way to go.

?Content Management System (CMS)

Webflow’s CMS stands out for its intuitive design and real-time collaboration capabilities; a flexible platform indeed.

The system offers a visually appealing and easy-to-use CMS, letting one create dynamic content on their websites without any technical knowledge.

On the other hand, WordPress is known for its easy-to-use, intuitive interface that caters to various business sizes.

Although the block editor in WordPress is more flexible than Webflow’s blog content editor, both platforms offer a CMS that can accommodate the needs of different professionals.

?Page Domain Nesting

One thing to keep in mind when making fundamental changes is your entire site's structure. If you provide a lot of content in various categories, say, within a resource library, your pages may be deeply nested to optimize for search engines and navigation.

One of Webflow's limitations is its pain domain nesting capabilities. It maxes out at 3 levels-deep. Here's an example:


For all but the simplest of enterprise-level marketing efforts, and others needing a page domain nesting depth of 4 or greater, Webflow will not be suitable. Wordpress, in contrast, does not have such limitations.

?E-commerce Capabilities

Webflow is ideal for creating e-commerce sites with unique design needs, as it offers a built-in e-commerce platform (still in beta as of posting date). This allows users to design their Webflow site with a unique look and feel; an attractive choice for e-commerce businesses that value design customization.

Additionally, Webflow’s higher-tier e-commerce plans offer 0% transaction fees, a cost-effective solution for businesses.

Conversely, WordPress is the perfect choice for high-volume e-commerce sites, since it offers seamless integration with the popular WooCommerce plugin.

This plugin empowers users to create powerful ecommerce WordPress sites, making it a suitable choice for businesses that prioritize scalability and high-volume transactions.

Ultimately, the decision between Webflow and WordPress for e-commerce capabilities will depend on your specific business needs, design preferences and budget.

Integrations and Extensions: A Closer Look

You can’t compare Webflow and WordPress without examining their ability to integrate with third-party tools and services.

WordPress boasts a copious selection of plugins and third-party integrations, making it a versatile platform for users needing to connect their website with other tools like CRMs and email marketing providers.

Webflow by contrast, has fewer native integrations, potentially requiring users to embed code if wanting to add extra features to their site.

While this may not be as convenient as WordPress’ extensive library of plugins, Webflow still offers a unique set of features and capabilities that may be suitable for users who prioritize design and ease of use.

?️ Third-Party Integrations

WordPress outshines WordPress when it comes to third-party integrations, with its massive library of both free and premium plugins available for users to enhance their website’s functionality.

This extensive ecosystem allows us to tailor our WordPress site to our specific needs and preferences, making it a highly customizable platform.

On the contrary, Webflow has a more limited selection of native integrations and may require users to embed code to add extra features to their Webflow site.

Although this may not be as seamless as using WordPress plugins, Webflow’s unique set of features and capabilities may still be appealing to those of us who prioritize design control and uncomplicated interfaces.

? Plugin Compatibility and Conflicts

Webflow’s built-in features eliminate the need for plugins, minimizing the risk of compatibility issues that may affect the performance and functionality of your website. This makes Webflow a more reliable choice for users who value a streamlined and hassle-free experience.

In contrast, WordPress’ extensive plugin library can sometimes lead to conflicts, potentially affecting the performance and functionality of your site. Although these conflicts can be resolved, they may require additional time and effort to identify and fix compatibility issues.

And so we see the need to carefully weigh the potential benefits of utilizing numerous plugins against the risk of encountering compatibility problems.

Pricing and Plans: Which Offers Better Value?

Price is everything, and no one wants to spend on more than they need. Webflow is generally more expensive than WordPress, with pricing packages ranging from free to premium options for websites and e-commerce businesses.

Webflow’s higher pricing can be justified, however, by its intuitive interface, design control, and cleaner code.

In contrast, WordPress is free, but requires additional costs for hosting, premium themes, and plugins. Don’t forget to budget for these.

The costs can range from as low as $5 to over $100, depending on what you’re trying to achieve. While WordPress may initially appear more cost-effective, users should factor in these additional expenses when assessing the overall value of each platform.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow offers a variety of pricing packages to cater to different user needs, including options for websites and e-commerce businesses.

The Starter plan is free and includes basic design tools, hosting, and a custom domain.

The Basic, CMS, and Professional plans offer additional features like custom code, SEO tools, and priority support at varying price points.

Webflow’s pricing structure makes it easy for users to find a plan that suits their specific needs and budget.

It’s worth noting that Webflow is generally more expensive than WordPress. Users who prioritize cost-effectiveness may need to weigh the benefits of Webflow’s design control and uncomplicated interface against its higher pricing when choosing a platform.

WordPress Pricing

Although WordPress is free, we have to factor in additional costs for hosting, premium themes, and plugins to create a fully functional website.

Hosting costs can range from $4 to over $25 per month, while premium themes and plugins may set users back anywhere from $5 to $100+.

Despite these additional expenses, WordPress is generally considered a more cost-effective solution compared to Webflow.

By offering a vast selection of free plugins and themes, as well as affordable web hosting options, WordPress provides us with a customizable and budget-friendly platform for website creation.

Support and Resources: Getting Help When Needed

Both Webflow and WordPress offer various resources and user support to help navigate the platforms and address any issues that may arise.

Webflow provides fast email support for subscribers, as well as community support for free accounts through their official website Forum. This ensures that  help is easily accessible, regardless of one’s subscription status.

In contrast, WordPress customers can access support through the forums, as well as through third-party plugins and services.

This wide range of support options helps you find the assistance needed to address any challenges encountered while using the platform, including navigating the WordPress dashboard.

Webflow vs. WordPress: Pros and Cons

Like most things in life, both Webflow and WordPress have their pros and cons...

Webflow Pros: Greater design freedom, cleaner code, and a more user-friendly interface. It’s an attractive choice for users who value design control and ease of use.

Con: Webflow’s higher pricing and limited integrations may be a drawback for some users.

WordPress Pros: a WordPress website is highly versatile and customizable, with a wealth of themes, templates, and plugins available for users to create a unique website.

Cons: Despite its ease of use and flexibility, WordPress can require more technical knowledge and may be more vulnerable to security issues.

Ultimately, the decision between Webflow and WordPress will depend on your own needs, preferences, and budget.


To sum it up, both Webflow and WordPress offer unique features and benefits for users looking to create a website.

Webflow excels in design capabilities, simple interface, and cleaner code, making it an attractive choice for users who prioritize design control and ease of use.

In contrast, WordPress offers unparalleled versatility, customization options, and a wealth of plugins and themes that cater to a variety of needs and preferences.

The choice between Webflow and WordPress will depend on your specific priorities. Carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each platform.

That way you’ll make an informed decision and select the best website builder for your project(s).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Webflow better than WordPress?

Overall, Webflow is better for those who want a complete all-in-one website building platform with plenty of design freedom and quick SEO optimization.

While WordPress offers more customization options with its plugins, this usually requires technical knowledge or assistance from a developer.

Can Webflow replace WordPress?

To sum things up, Webflow and WordPress both have their pluses and minuses. Depending on your coding experience, budget and desired website features, you can decide which one best suits you.

However, for most individuals and businesses, WordPress is still the go-to choice because of its flexibility and integration options.

Which is easier: Webflow or WordPress?

Overall, Webflow is easier to use for non-developers than WordPress. With Webflow, it’s easy to get started with templates and layouts, and its point and click editor is simpler than WordPress’.

This makes Webflow a great solution if you want to build a website without coding knowledge.

What are the disadvantages of Webflow?

Unfortunately, Webflow can be challenging for beginners to learn, and its high cost may be difficult for some businesses to absorb.

Furthermore, there is limited customer support (aside form email and community posts) and assistance, so it's important to make sure you have a good handle on the platform before tackling a big project. 

All in all, it's essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of Webflow before investing your time and/or money into it. 

Is Webflow free?

Yes, Webflow has a free plan for personal and portfolio websites.

You can try out the starter site plan or workspace starter plan at no cost, but features are limited compared to the paid plans. If you need more features, you'll have to upgrade.

Can I hire Mythic to help me choose & implement the best CMS for me?

Yes, for sure! You can book a session with me here to see how team Mythic can assist you.

Marc Addeo
Created magically by Marc on Tuesday, June 27th